Preguntar Knowledge

As we know the Coaching is based on Maieutic of Scrates. The mother of Scrates was midwife, of there the name of Maieutic, that in Greek means expert in childbirths or obstetra. The Coach term is thought that it was used for the first time in 1500 in England, and named a type of vehicle for transport of people. For 1850, the term began to be used to designate to a tutor in the universities. Scrates, by means of the questions helped the people so that they managed to extract from his interior the knowledge. The philosopher pretended to accept the answer, but then, through he helped to dialogue to discover them contradictions, situation that confusion between its disciples generated. By means of questions and answers, he obtained that his interlocutor expressed his knowledge on a well-known subject.

For this reason, who answered he believed to have the correct answer; then, Scrates refuted and applied its method looking for that his disciple will focus in his interior and will find new objections in subject that he believed to dominate. In the process they appeared new and more and more precise answers. When it is asked to us on some question, normally we have defined a belief on the subject, that of course we thought is true, that is very difficult to change, unless we ourself we reach that conclusion. The fundamental idea is that the teacher does not instill knowledge, is the student who with the aid of the teacher extracts of itself the knowledge. For example, you are with a prospectus and he says to you: -Nobody purchase! – (Obvious in its mind that belief exists) and your questions: -Nobody? – to this it will make it question reflect and probably it will say: -Good, very few! -, then your you will ask: -Very few? – And so on.

In each step, you will obtain that it modifies its beliefs, and in this way to be able to advance. Of another form it would be impossible. Since we have not been educated in a socrtico method, we have become loose and the majority of the people we preferred more that it is said to us and it explained, than to enter personal process of analysis. One of the tricks mainly used not to think is when, before a question they respond I DO NOT KNOW! It is easy to fall in that trap, because that asks creates to know the answer, in the end ends up expressing it and the interlocutor does not learn truly, because it is not his answer nor its conclusion. For example, if questions: -Which is the reason for which you did not obtain the result? – And they respond to you I DO NOT KNOW! , what you do? What so if you say to him: – I understand that you do not have answers, dame three possible reasons. Probably you of three answers, but it insists on that do not know, pregntale: -Supposing that if you knew, which could be? The joke is not to fall in the trap. How you are communicating with your prospectuses and clients? What as much you act with questions and what as much information them DAS?