A country where precede equality to freedom will end up without any of the two. Milton Friedman as years have passed so that realized the Cuban revolution, which is necessary to maintain active all productive sectors, know to exploit its natural resources, adapt to business scenarios, which increasingly become more dynamic in modern times according to the dynamic, proactivity of the world economy, to the reality of the economic scenarios global, productive,they present new opportunities and also require more linkage, alliances in order to ensure economic strength, a quality of life that every Cuban has the right within a climate of freedom, democracy and participation. The truth, which the Cuban Government has given account which could not remain anchored in the past and marginalized from the economic world dynamics, seeking to consolidate a political ideology that has stalled to the Cuban economy, seriously affecting its inhabitants, where there is still a poverty significant and where Cuba has squandered its wealth seriously affecting its development. The very interesting respect what brings wharton.universia.net Cuba, the Socialist Republic of the Caribbean Sea for barely 11 million inhabitants, confronts a historical year since the economic and social point of view. From now, the island will witness starting up of a new economic model that will bring about the gradual entry to private initiative or cuentapropismo, taxes and the disappearance of the Primer of rationing, that for 48 years has provided its inhabitants products and supplies at subsidised prices and that could keep only for a small group of disadvantaged population. But, in the short term, what will have more impact will be dismissed in the coming months, 500,000 public employees who will have to be absorbed by the private sector..