Avoid Purchase Cancellations With Expert Tips

Visions explains, as shop owners achieve optimum performance Hanover, 22 September 2009 fast loading times prevent purchase cancellations. A strong performance is one of the most important quality criteria in an online shop for dealers and customers alike. How to shop operators can optimize this performance, explains Alexander Ringsdorff, CEO of Magento Agency of visions, in detail five professional tips, see. Already a few hundred milliseconds delay damage: by up to 20 percent of an online-shop sales decreases according to a study carried out by Google, as soon as the charging time is extended only by half a second. Also, Amazon was able to confirm this result in A/B testing. Faster loading times with Magento online shops of any size are top priority for fast loading times. The secret of the fastest stores is a good caching system”, explains Ringsdorff.

Frequently requested pages need to be calculated only once and can directly issued to many users be. Magento Commerce here occupies a leading position thanks to the integrated block caching. In the framework of our project work or advice we can halve often more than load times.” Professional shop owner tips to free download whether using professional content delivery networks, load test of comprehensive use of block caching or inserting: how shop operators avoid degradation due to performance can, available which Alexander Ringsdorff represents in five practical tips, free at de/visions/news/expert tips performance for downloading. Magento Magento is the fastest growing open-source E-commerce-system worldwide with more than a million downloads in only 14 months. Adapted specifically to the needs of large online retailers, Magento is also available in a commercial Enterprise Edition.

The manufacturer of Varien designed E-commerce solutions in the United States since 2001 and has been released after two years of development in April 2008 for the first time for productive use Magento. Visions of the Hannover Magento Agency of visions has extensive international experience and has since January 2008 Magento as a platform specialized in.