In the era of computers of hand and e-mail, no executive needs a Secretary type letters or wearing you the agenda, but proactive people who know the company’s business. Management must not neglect the behaviour of performance of its secretariat and if you discover weaknesses in his performance, not according to what it purports to, should orient it, train it, support it in order to collaborate in its growth giving way to their performance more efficiently. Sebe never use bad treatment, inappropriate language, insult, scolding, the contrary seek ways how to overcome weaknesses and give the assistance possible to transform them into strengths. The Manager should be a motivator, a core actor in the attainment of its functions, and to do so must be attentive of how are their interrelationships and performance with its secretariat in such a way that the union to ensure beneficial results. Finally, is very valid which gives mujeressinfronteras. com take into account the fact that the secretariats of small and medium-sized enterprises present a far stronger than those of large enterprises emotional anchor in his work. Do not usually have an only boss, as the attendees of large companies, therefore are needed and required by the companies as a whole. And this also means that this type of attendees have harmonisation and conciliatory functions.
Basically what differentiates them from the secretariats of large enterprises are two things: on the one hand, the high importance that give remuneration affective and emotional; on the other hand, a more classic and traditional of Secretariat and woman model. Finally, we consider very important to enterprises, especially their managers must be more attentive in defining a profile of the Secretariat required, considering the characteristics of the current scenarios, the functions what to play, to help that management activities are undertaken without many obstacles, that really feel supported by a proactive, reliable, Secretariat that allows you to play according to the rhythm that today demands. Manager will depend on whether its secretariat is a great help, collaboration in everything that seeks to make. Therefore, beware of your behavior, efficiency, productivity..