Educational Game WINS

Award ceremony of the German game prize zone 2 connect debunks TechForce, of the metal and electrical industry (M + industry) in order given recruiting and educational game, in the category of 75,000 EUR from serious game as the best game. Companies such as Ford, Deutz and Airbus put on the junior staff line. Thus catapulting zone 2 connect with TechForce before the nominees competing productions of Willi wills know: emergency rescuer in the usage and 2 two stone learning, training, games! as the most innovative, educationally valuable game to the top of the Computerspielbasierten game industry. About 150 entries, the Bernd Neumann Minister of State for culture awarded the prestigious German computer game award on March 31, 2009 in nine categories of game production and development in Munich for the first time at the best with prize money totaling 600,000 EUR. Neumann said at the computer game price borne jointly by the German Bundestag, the Federal Government and the computer games industry: As computer games have become a leading medium for many children and young people, I believe, that the cultural commitment to quality in the computer game market will affect economically.\” Zone 2 connect with the globally networked employers Association total metal Federation exhibit industry with a total 6,100 member companies such as Siemens AG, ThyssenKrupp AG, Airbus Germany GmbH, Deutz AG or Ford Germany GmbH, the more than 2 million workers to the 22 employers of M + E, joined the evidence. New accents in the up-and-coming advertising.

Wolfgang Gollub, head of employee retention with the employers Association of total metal, pleased with his new recruiting and communications communication way and accepted together with Thorsten Unger, CEO of zone 2 connect, the best price. The reading and utilization behavior of the main and real school leavers has fundamentally changed. The usual communication channels were alone no longer timely, therefore we have decided, through our young professionals of tomorrow a Computer game the opportunity to provide, with the occupational profiles of industry playfully deal to.


It makes direct boardings, but without tato (ability) with the other. It makes to be valid only its rights and ignores of the other. It blames the others and it uses sarcasm for ' ' ganhar' ' the situation. Maximum visual contact, high voice, aggressive attitude. Assertive – Search to defend its desires, without ignoring of the others. It makes direct boarding, but stating respect for the person. It hears and it looks for to understand the perspective of the other. Accepted agreements and solutions integrators.

It displays clearly its position, opinions and feelings. Its auto-they esteem is above of its concern for social approval. Aggressive liabilities/? It presents a mixing behavior, with elements of aggressiveness and passivity. Anxious for making right the accounts without running confrontation risks. Of the indirect answers/sarcasm.

Minimum visual contact and closed position. It is important to emphasize that these behaviors are situacionais, that is, we can in accordance with modify it the situations that the environment presents. However, it is natural that let us have one determined trend, that corresponds to our standard more usual, influenced for diverse aspects of our personality and our proper control on the emotions. BEHAVIOR PROBLEM the companies are formed by people and she does not advance to have all a structure, if they not to be felt motivated. this, comes occurring in many companies. According to Bergamini (1997), it is evident that the interest for the motivacional behavior in the work has, in these last decades, reached levels bonanza raised. As Glasser (1994, P. 15) it considers, ' ' The failure of the majority of our companies is not in the knowledge lack technician, and yes, in the way to deal with the people. The habit of the administrators in finding runs away to our understanding that the workers do not produce with quality only due to knowledge technician.


Coinstatt is two years old and invites one to test the complementary currency to the try out: Coinstatt giving away 50,000 coin! Quickly passed two eventful years. “In 2007, the founders of Coinstatt their unusual project started: as a response to the increasing shortage of money and as support of home-based alternatives, they created their own currency, the they coin” have called. Coins are vouchers that can be used in a network of selected specialist shops as complementary means of payment. Each coin has the value of a euro in the Federation. At the beginning, there was the bold idea to create a private currency. A concept was soon designed, but there was still no deals that would accept the new money.

Now there are over a hundred of the Coinstatt team personally selected shops, craft businesses and health care providers where you can pay part of the Bill with the coins. Currently there are (still) cities in North Rhine-Westphalia, where the dissemination of Coinstatt has begun, but it is already working on a further, finally Germany-wide dissemination. The starting concept has proven why also in other federal States to apply what has been developed so far! End of April a brochure with the directory of the industrial participants in Castrop-rauxel, Witten, Bochum, Monchengladbach and Schwelm Kamp-Lintfort will appear for the second birthday of Coinstatt. There are ten coins that can immediately be used as means of payment in this brochure, which is distributed free of charge. In this respect is Coinstatt, what many in the face of the economic crisis are calling to donate money for additional consumption namely interested consumers. Who on this Coinjunkturspritze”is interested in, can pick up free his ten coins in the cities mentioned in all Coinpartner shops. Peter Krause

New Pneumococcal Vaccine For The Smallest

The new parent portal informs also about health topics pneumococcal vaccination is recommended have long standing vaccination Committee (STIKO). Babies should receive a complete vaccination before the second birth day. Otherwise, pneumococcal can cause serious diseases, such as lung or meningitis. Just when a weakened immune system, this inflammation can be so hard that it comes even to sepsis (known commonly as blood poisoning). Hearing loss and epilepsy can occur as consequences of the disease. In up to 10 percent of cases, the illness ends even deadly. As now reported, there is now a new vaccine that better and more comprehensively to protect from such diseases. He protects from ten of the “main” pneumococcal types, while the previously used vaccine only seven of the bacteria was effective.

Especially the new vaccine now also the bacteria type 7F covers, for many serious diseases and Deaths is responsible. The parents Portal has made it his task to offer all the basic information in a place parents and also pairs with infertility. The treated areas are fertility and family planning, pregnancy and birth, naming, health, nutrition and development of the baby. The page should be an informative companion of the family up to the launch of the child in the kindergarten. In addition to the information area, there is also a community. Here the user can contact with each other and with the editorial in the forums. News like that to the new vaccine and other topics in addition to interviews and book recommendations can be found in the news blog. Although is only online for a few weeks, but already a particular favorite of the user has emerged: the online ovulation calendar that can be used for determine the fertile days. The portal is still growing and is constantly expanded. So, for example, cooperations with physicians and midwives are planned that can directly answer the questions of the user; but also more Online tools are to be incorporated, including a parents money calculator and a BMI calculator for children. Alexandra Preis

Discount Actions As A Promotional Measure

With PLC clever determine conditional rebate winning at discount offers discounts for your customers to criteria and what would be certain for a better promotion, when you offer a discount or a refund (conditional rebate), which do not offer your competitors? Grant your customers 20% or more discount on purchased summer tyres, if there is still snow in April. Downpour on a given day your clients receive a retrospectively granted discount on summer shoes. The summer is particularly rainy, offer free beer for every purchased snack as a consolation prize the next sunny day your beer garden visitors. If the duration of sunshine is extremely low this year, refund the purchase price of sunglasses. Offer a money back guarantee on refrigerators, if the temperature is 40 C on July 30. Give a discount on booked holidays if during leave the sunshine duration in Germany should be higher than at the resort. Do offer discounted leasing rates at annual car if your local professional association won a particular tournament or match – or alskleine Entschadigungfur to the fans if he descends. Discount the television sets purchased from you if Germany is football Europe or world champion.

Here are virtually no limits of creativity. How it works: one of your products (E.g. value of a car, einerEinbaukuche etc.) costs 25.000,-euros in the sale, they sell about 10 of these products in a durchschnittlichenMonat. You want to stimulate your pre-Christmas sales and promise a discount of 25% on products that are purchased in November if it snows on Christmas Eve at noon at the location of your business to your customers. The expected refund 62.500,-(10 x 25,000 x 25%) is constant sale of 10 products to your customers.

Winning is the cost of securing this amount via PLC clever depending on the venue, E.g. 7%. For the example of the secured discount sum i.H.

Index Funds As A Private Old-age Provision: Long-term Benefit

Retirement is an important subject – index funds offer interesting and high-growth opportunity to the provision. Private pension plans is forever more, especially today over 30 years workers to an important issue. That the statutory pension alone is insufficient to secure the accustomed standard of living in the age, makes sense now many people and they are wondering whether alone the Riester annuity contracts can fill the gap or whether it would not be appropriate to do something for the old-age provision additional. Who thinks about the investment or capital investment, which has already won. Once you today something more intense deals with the subject matter, is to tell that it is better with security or otherwise to deal with pension products.

Due to the guaranteed payouts for the Riester pension contracts they are slightly more to achieving returns. Private pension fund policies about the so-called Fund saving is another way to take precautions and not the worst. As the current financial crisis shows, also the interest for other safe forms of savings can go deep in the basement, the classes of fund shares, but they will recover first and secondly the investors in the Fund savings buys cheap, if the prices are low. The cost average effect makes it possible to also bad times in the stock market can be quite positive because investors can buy more fund shares for his money which he invested much monthly as in Exchange weddings at funds saving. The current courses are more or less good entry level courses. A good choice with high yield potential meets the investor when he decides for index funds.

Rarely other active succeed in managed funds in the long run to develop better as index funds that do nothing more than a particular index such as for example the DAX or the EuroStoxx reproduce himself. In this type of Fund, the yield is simply higher, because they have very low closing costs and low administrative costs. Index funds have In addition they replicate just the index to the advantage that depend on their developments of the activities of the Fund Manager, and the Fund Manager to ensure only that remains so during the term, that is, when certain values, like for example, Infineon in the Dax, leave the index the Manager must sell it, and buy the values advanced to. In good time before retirement this Fund policies should be converted then in safe forms of investment. Oliver Ganesh corner channel plus Ltd.

Active Optician

Advertising portal ‘Active optometrists’ presents itself to the 2nd birthday in fresh green. Stuttgart. After two successful years of first marketing-Verbund has active optometrists”revised its advertising offerings and presented on his new website. It has been started only with brochures for traditional opticians. Today, every marketing campaign can be implemented with the experienced advertising professionals from commercial marketing. The philosophy of the active optometrists is that every optician can actively bring his ideas in advertising. So, it incurred over 70 pages of the brochure which can be used by the community for the individual brochure advertising.

The concept is for the more than 100 optometrists, who are already there: as much as possible, combined with the ideas and wishes of many opticians individuality results in a strong sales promotion. Many brochure participants tell us of the increased FootFall in their stores and could claim still in their city.”Managing Director Mike Schumacher the reactions of his customers included together. A customer survey of the opticians of the Marketing Association was based on the optimization. The jointly developed result can be seen: the brochure advertising was revised in terms of content and visually and appears now in a fresh green. In addition, the site was adapted of the new design.

The idea of active in the advertising design involving the optician, has excited many opticians in Germany and Austria. With our many change options in the brochures, we have redefined advertising for opticians. Any optician can now online access pre-designed advertising, but through customization, such as text changes, adapt to its local needs. The recognition effect due to the pressure in its corporate colors is guaranteed. “, says Mike Schumacher. Whether our optometrists want to promote high-quality or cheap they decide solely through their own pricing and the page combinations of over 70 alternatives.” Mike Schumacher

Optical Zoom Important

Crucial is zoom for good photos. When the zoom, a distinction is made between the optical and digital zoom. While working the lens system with an optical zoom inside the lens by the lens is moved so that a motif is zoomed in or pressed in the distance, the zooming in and out is tried with the digital zoom in digital way. The digital camera, optical zoom is important, so that distant objects can be photographed better and easier. Using a lens with lens works the optical zoom and can shoot thus far distant images and motifs with a high quality. When the digital zoom only pixels will be added to the image and the image quality can possibly suffer. Standard for digital cameras nowadays is a 4 x zoom. The more expensive models have zoom but also a 10 x or 12 x.

There are models of digital cameras, which feature an optical and a digital zoom. Here, the optical zoom to a jump, when the exhausted digital zoom the image is still too far away. Is combined with the optical digital zoom, just more pixels are added. But because the digital image consists of already million pixels, the extra pixels, add the picture appear out of focus can. The zoom process, an optical zoom is not electronically controlled visually. Zoom digital zoom, however, is the so-called rights”. When the optical zoom, the problem can arise that more is zoomed, less light to pass through and thus the image is too little exposed. With the digital zoom, this can not happen while, yet this is still not preferred because the image data just converted. Many manufacturers tempt consumers so that they have incorporated the optical and digital zoom, however, is better than digital zoom to use the optical.

Optical Treatments

It should be noted however, and this is important, that the lenses optical treatments and the quality of them (depending on the quality of the binoculars) can significantly improve the brightness of the binoculars, even if its (numeric) theoretical coefficient is low. In this way, they exist in the market, binoculars of e.g. 10 40, with luminosity and optical quality superior to other models of 10 42 even 10 50, which in theory should be brighter. These optical improvements often accompanied by proportional price increases, but that is the quality of the binoculars. The increase in the brightness of the binoculars tends to be proportional to their weight gain. Obviously, for which a prismatic has high brightness must have front lens of large diameter (which will increase the input of light), which increases weight.

Also be achieved binoculars very bright by reducing increases, so there have front lens of large diameter, and so the numerical ratio of the brightness is maintained at acceptable levels and with low weights, but then the vision or power capacity is very small and makes them of little use. Mount and systems optical a prismatic is a structured, protected by a casing or in general metal mount set of lenses. The mount features and optical systems (lenses and prisms, focus and sharpness, correction in diopters, etc.) are aspects of undoubted importance, because they influence greatly on the quality of the binoculars, its precision and its resistance to environmental conditions. The features and design of the mount have a decisive influence on the resistance of the prismatic against environmental conditions (rain, cold (intense, etc.) and in the greater or less comfort (ergonomics) management. The normal quality mounts come externally, stickers for easy grip and offer some protection against the rain. The highest quality mounts are watertight to the water and dust, and internal cameras come padded nitrogen gas, to avoid internal fogging at temperatures below zero.