Avoid Purchase Cancellations With Expert Tips

Visions explains, as shop owners achieve optimum performance Hanover, 22 September 2009 fast loading times prevent purchase cancellations. A strong performance is one of the most important quality criteria in an online shop for dealers and customers alike. How to shop operators can optimize this performance, explains Alexander Ringsdorff, CEO of Magento Agency of visions, in detail five professional tips, see. Already a few hundred milliseconds delay damage: by up to 20 percent of an online-shop sales decreases according to a study carried out by Google, as soon as the charging time is extended only by half a second. Also, Amazon was able to confirm this result in A/B testing. Faster loading times with Magento online shops of any size are top priority for fast loading times. The secret of the fastest stores is a good caching system”, explains Ringsdorff.

Frequently requested pages need to be calculated only once and can directly issued to many users be. Magento Commerce here occupies a leading position thanks to the integrated block caching. In the framework of our project work or advice we can halve often more than load times.” Professional shop owner tips to free download whether using professional content delivery networks, load test of comprehensive use of block caching or inserting: how shop operators avoid degradation due to performance can, available which Alexander Ringsdorff represents in five practical tips, free at de/visions/news/expert tips performance for downloading. Magento Magento is the fastest growing open-source E-commerce-system worldwide with more than a million downloads in only 14 months. Adapted specifically to the needs of large online retailers, Magento is also available in a commercial Enterprise Edition.

The manufacturer of Varien designed E-commerce solutions in the United States since 2001 and has been released after two years of development in April 2008 for the first time for productive use Magento. Visions of the Hannover Magento Agency of visions has extensive international experience and has since January 2008 Magento as a platform specialized in.

Easy, Fast And Cheap – Looking Through SMF Records

With the help of SMF2XL, the SMF raw data can be loaded from mainframe systems directly in Excel. With the help of the new, both tools SMF2XL, the SMF raw data can be downloaded from mainframe systems directly in Excel and are already five minutes later in folders sorted for different search and analysis available. The ease of use on a Windows machine accelerates the availability of data and increases the flexibility and productivity of system analysts. Another area of use of the new tools SMF2XL is the processing of content in the SMF records to create graphs and reports for the management. The field names match the SMF documentation from IBM, which allows a simple search to certain fields. The usage of the tools is concrete demand and succeed quickly and flexibly, without much effort.

Typical examples are seeking certain RACF records (record types 80) in the system or the analysis of the causes for loss of important datasets. The small Windows application runs on any PC or laptop and is available via a simple licensing model against an annual rent of 2500 euros per company available. There is no limit on a certain number of users or systems, it can be parallel on different computers as often as installed and used. The interest for the new tool SMF2XL on the IBM System z Technical University 2013 in Munich was exceedingly great. Never before there was a simple way to get the content from SMF data and to analyse them. In addition, the simple license model with its inexpensive, user – and system-independent, annual rent increases the attractiveness of the offer. We are pleased to inform our customers in the German market through the applications of SMF2XL. If you are interested please contact for a no-obligation consultation to the distributors of EPV-technologies in Germany, Austria and Switzerland, the TPS DATA GmbH in Karlsruhe.

Your contact, Mr. Hartmut Rombach, looking forward to your call at 0721 9887233 or your E-Mail at. Contact: TPS DATA GmbH Hartmut Rombach Lowenstrasse 20 76199 Karlsruhe Tel. 0721 / 988 7233 founded fax 0721 / 988 7234 which was the TPS DATA GmbH as the consultancy in Karlsruhe in 1996 by Hartmut Rombach and tungsten Greis. At its second location in Zurich, trades society as TPS DATA AG and thus ensures a direct support of its Swiss customers. “The slogan z-business is our business” is clearly the focus of the company around current mainframe technologies to the point. The central themes are in the areas of performance management and capacity planning, security concepts and security analysis as well as in the integration of new technologies, including different platforms. The portfolio consists of three business areas to which the vendor neutral, competent (1) consultancy and project management of also an extensive (2) seminar and workshop offer which can be carried out also in English. Special software tools (3) form the third pillar of the Company EPV-technologies and InnovizeIT (Windows, AIX, Solaris, Linux, VMWare, zLINUX) optimising of IBM mainframes, distributed systems and as a distributor in the German-speaking acts DB2 landscapes on all platforms for which the TPS DATA. The TPS DATA is a long-standing and active member of the computer measurement group ceCMG and the Guide share Europe GSE.


New SEPA direct debit collection service as Internet startup. With SEPA.NET, green Software AG offers simple changeover for all users of the DTAUS direct debit procedure without software conversion. Aachen, 18.07.2013. With the new, Internet-based service SEPA.NET, the Aachener software company green Software AG offers a solution for all users of proven DTAUS direct debit scheme, whose inventory software is capable of not SEPA. The system supports the mandate administration, converting classic account in IBAN and BIC, Prenotifikationen, processing of SEPA-XML files and also the management and documentation of the catchment operations itself. The SEPA.NET service we launched as a startup, to provide a simple, quick and professional way for SEPA collection, without need for a software change”, explains Dr. Oliver Grun, CEO of green Software AG. The offer is aimed at all users of software solutions, in which a transition to the new, more complex SEPA requirements are no longer planned.

Such About Club administrations, insurance software, software solutions, ERP solutions, individual programs, etc., produce the DTAUS files, tried and tested for decades, which are converted so far as feed files at the Bank as a final step. February 2014, the new European SEPA rules apply but in the course of the Europeanization of the payments. According to the SEPA requirements it is not sufficient however to convert only files, but there are a number of requirements to mandate management, advertisement for a forthcoming collection in the payer with cancellation option (Prenotifikation) and much more. The SEPA.NET service allows you to play up the DTAUS files, optional supplementary address now and then offers the possibility to meet SEPA requirements easily from the cloud. The proven old software can then easily continue to use SEPA.NET-Nutzer without modification. Green Software AG brings 20 years experience in the field of direct debit collections. Software systems of the provider are according to own more than one billion euros on Direct debit collections performed in several European countries.

In terms of the current discussions is pointed out explicitly the server location in Germany in the Green own datacenter in Aachen and the validity of the German Data Protection Act. The Green Software AG (www.gruen.net) is a medium-sized software company with Internet and software solutions for special industries such as Member and donor agencies, training providers and warehouse logistics. More than 1 billion euros in donations handled software solutions of the market-leading company by about 3 billion of total donations in Germany. Over 1,000 installations include organizations such as the Johanniter-Unfall-Hilfe, Kolping Society Germany, Wikimedia, Misereor or dbb German officials Federal customers. Still, services outsourcing services such as data center services and data services are offered about the green business. To be giftGRuN with advertising agency round out the portfolio of creative services in the areas of interactive media and advertising. For over 20 years, now roughly 100 employees in the headquarters in Aachen, as well as in the offices in Berlin, Vienna and Bratislava serve customers throughout Europe.

Anniversary Offer: New Product Allows Current Mainframe Analysis

EPV-technologies celebrates its tenth anniversary in 2013 and offers the EPV for z/OS NL (nearline) product for a very reasonable annual price of 5,000 on this occasion. With this new product, an analysis of a mainframe system for a day is possible, i.e. current problems in an LPAR, a fast and clear evaluation can be timely. Often complex and time-intensive analysis be performed in unclear situations in an LPAR. To minimize time required, loaded the SMF data from this system and automatically create a set of comprehensive reports for this LPAR. The special offer is time limited to the year 2013.

Who so wants to secure the benefits of the new product and the price of the Jubilee, should react quickly. “We are pleased to inform our customers in the German-speaking market of the detailed analysis possibilities and applications of EPV for z/OS NL” in a personal discussion or presenting EPV for z/OS NL “under live conditions in your Companies. If you are interested please contact for a no-obligation consultation to the distributors of EPV-technologies in Germany, Austria and Switzerland, the TPS DATA GmbH in Karlsruhe. Your contact, Mr. Hartmut Rombach, looking forward to your call at 0721 9887233 or your E-Mail under. Contact: TPS DATA GmbH Hartmut Rombach Lowenstrasse 20 76199 Karlsruhe Tel.

0721 / 988 7233 fax 0721 / 988 7234 about the TPS DATA GmbH: the TPS DATA GmbH as consultancy in Karlsruhe, Germany from Hartmut Rombach and Wolfram Greis founded in 1996. At its second location in Zurich, trades society as TPS DATA AG and thus ensures a direct support of its Swiss customers. “The slogan z-business is our business” is clearly the focus of the company around current mainframe technologies to the point. The central themes are in the areas of performance management and capacity planning, security concepts and security analysis as well as in the integration of new technologies, including different platforms. The portfolio consists of three business areas to which the vendor neutral, competent (1) consultancy and project management of also an extensive (2) seminar and workshop offer which can be carried out also in English. Special (3) software tools of company EPV technologies constitute the third pillar and InnovizeIT to optimize by IBM mainframes, distributed systems (Windows, AIX, Solaris, Linux, VMWare, zLINUX) and the TPS DATA DB2 landscapes on all platforms for which acts as distributor in German-speaking countries. The TPS DATA is a long-standing and active member of the computer measurement group ceCMG and the Guide share Europe GSE.