An important philosopher that I believe to have great influence in the vises ' ' reformadoras of filosofia' ' he is Richard Rorty. That it in them does not present the optimum most correct way or, but, the possibility to see the form tradition with that we are not accustomed to see, we can try candle from a different perhaps vocabulary and thus some can, to reformulate the vision that has of the tradition consequncias of this are difficult to foresee -, others can not agree to Rorty and perhaps it ties to become if critical of this this is something that has happened. Rorty in them presents a vocabulary that does not have the pretension of if placing as next to the truth, and yes, perhaps the most adjusted the contingencies, the demands of our time. It considers the abandonment of the racionalista/essencialista vocabulary iluminista/, leaving stops backwards concepts as of: truth, knowledge, moral, humanity, I, reality, that turns around the essence concept, and that for Rorty also it must be abandoned or redescrito. Rorty does not place another concept in the place of this in the attempt of inside defining in them of one ' ' essence esfrica' '. It tries to show that we can describing in them and redescrever, and the descriptions that we make of us and the others mold our relations partners and are the maximum that we can make to speak of we ourselves. This can be explored and with some effort antropolgico study can appear from there that tries to define the man as one ' ' animal capable to describe-se' ' or perhaps a philosophical anthropology that defines the man as a being that ' ' it possesss essentially the capacity of descrio' ' , but something of this type would be forcible. It does not have as to know where we go to arrive, as it will be the philosophical tradition in few years, the future depends on the choices that will be made and its consequences.