Victory Has people that the victory leaves to escape, why did not learn, still, what it really means in our life? got used to search it the victory in flabby and unpretentious way and without total ambition? without intent focus and attention. without giving that last necessary gas? that one to breathe deep much-needed to arrive the line of fond of the front, or to be able to see for carried through that dream so longed for? to see materialize that objective, that gave to as many cloths pra sleeve to plan, consumed as many nights of sleep finally and? it arrived at a dreamed reality. It has people that she prefers to live in the blackness of a cave, feeling arrepios to each frozen drop that falls in its inert body. Worse, it has people that she explains? it argues, the times until scientifically, and teima that everything has to see with destination? not with laziness or indolncia and lack of adequate information. It has people that she prefers to convince itself that came to the world, to start to die in the accurate instant and from the moment where its pulmes if full of air and give the first one sigh. It has people that she fights? but its fight is dismissed of life, of victory and consequncia objective. They fight more to show to its sofredor face and its pains. If to show in the circus of the horrors as the perpetual ones coitados that the life beat, why they had not learned the way of the victory, of the life with the accomplishment, what after all it justifies our life. The victory has smells, sound, color, flavor, that many times could not have been apprehended the sufficient so that they meant a pleasure to be reached? that can thus justify the titnico effort of the search of the victory and adds one meaning bigger that effort more – to that new to raise to each tumble.