That Is The Egyptian Tarot

Egyptian tarot is one of the most ancient that there are, in fact, it is said that the Egyptian tarot reading became a way of understanding the art of divination and occult. The Egyptian tarot says that it is much more realistic than the other types of tarot, it feels to the the letter image jump out of it, what does that readers can read them and interpret them easily. The name with which are on the market is the ancient Egyptian tarot cards. You can buy in the shops of tarot cards to the retail or even in many of the online stores that are on the web. For Tarot readers the fact of feeling that these cards are very easy to read provides them with a clearer picture of the immediate future.

The history of Egyptian tarot goes back to the year 1781, when he was known as a book that covers the history of Egypt and so this helps to preserve many of the mythologies, wisdom and common sense. One of the Egyptian Tarot series, is the book of Thoth, created by Etteilla, a French astrologer who It was the manufacturer of the card. After this have emerged a large number of variations, as Grand Etteilla, Etteilla I, II and III Etteilla Etteilla. However, these are not the only Egyptian tarot cards that exist, there are hundreds of different cards that are in circulation around the world. The Egyptian tarot deck, is composed of a total of 78 cards, which are divided into arcane elders and minors. There are 22 cards of the major arcana and 56 in the other. Tarot images are those of the old Egypt that can be easily recognized by people who have a basic knowledge about the Egyptian civilization.

Clive Barrett has investigated the symbolism very well, which helped him to read the Egyptian Tarot cards. He has put much emphasis on Egyptian civilization and has made that the literal meaning of this is highlighted in the content of the letters. The disadvantage of the Egyptian tarot, is the large size of many of the letters, since people with small hands feel slightly uncomfortable to hold them. But in general, there is that say that these cards have appreciated, and are recommended for all beginners, or even the simple curious Egyptian civilization. Original author and source of the article

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