Optical Treatments

It should be noted however, and this is important, that the lenses optical treatments and the quality of them (depending on the quality of the binoculars) can significantly improve the brightness of the binoculars, even if its (numeric) theoretical coefficient is low. In this way, they exist in the market, binoculars of e.g. 10 40, with luminosity and optical quality superior to other models of 10 42 even 10 50, which in theory should be brighter. These optical improvements often accompanied by proportional price increases, but that is the quality of the binoculars. The increase in the brightness of the binoculars tends to be proportional to their weight gain. Obviously, for which a prismatic has high brightness must have front lens of large diameter (which will increase the input of light), which increases weight.

Also be achieved binoculars very bright by reducing increases, so there have front lens of large diameter, and so the numerical ratio of the brightness is maintained at acceptable levels and with low weights, but then the vision or power capacity is very small and makes them of little use. Mount and systems optical a prismatic is a structured, protected by a casing or in general metal mount set of lenses. The mount features and optical systems (lenses and prisms, focus and sharpness, correction in diopters, etc.) are aspects of undoubted importance, because they influence greatly on the quality of the binoculars, its precision and its resistance to environmental conditions. The features and design of the mount have a decisive influence on the resistance of the prismatic against environmental conditions (rain, cold (intense, etc.) and in the greater or less comfort (ergonomics) management. The normal quality mounts come externally, stickers for easy grip and offer some protection against the rain. The highest quality mounts are watertight to the water and dust, and internal cameras come padded nitrogen gas, to avoid internal fogging at temperatures below zero.