
Oscor black poplar – one of the most common trees in Russia. And yet, one of the most useful. The most valuable part of poplar – a kidney unblown leaves. However, in the pharmacy are very difficult to find, and collect not that simple. Ideal – it is when you close the famous, environmentally clean place during harvesting kidneys (April-May), cut down the poplars and the kidneys can be harvested easily in large quantities.

At least, their blanks I carry out. So what good is a poplar buds? Poplar buds are bactericidal, anti-inflammatory, demulcent, expectorant, diuretic (speeds up the excretion of uric acid), antipyretic and sedative effect. Due to its bactericidal properties poplar buds protect the body against staphylococci, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, typhoid and other bacteria that cause prostatitis and other diseases, as well as providing contribute to the dissolution of salt deposits and stones in the hollow organs. The composition of kidney poplar is as follows: volatile oil (up to 0,7%), tannins, organic acids, as well as lesser known glycosides. The spectrum of poplar buds wide. Infusion or tincture kidneys are used to treat wounds, ulcers, dermatitis, in gynecological practice – at obesity, as well as anti-chlamydia and chlamydia.

Drugs taken orally as a poplar diuretic, which accelerates excretion of uric acid, antipyretic, anti-inflammatory (for arthritis), and sedative. They are prescribed for upper respiratory tract, inflammation of the bladder atony intestinal neurosis, hemorrhoids, gout, herpes. Ointments and baths from poplar buds are used to treat skin diseases, sciatica, rheumatic and arthritic pains in the joints. In a scientific medicine ointment from the kidneys of black poplar is sometimes used in surgery as an analgesic and astringent. Used kidneys black poplar with rheumatism, and colds, influenza, lung disease, hemorrhoids, cystitis, beriberi. They say that the poplar buds that are configured to allow vodka overcome tuberculosis and cancer (but I personally have not seen such cured, so I will not recommend. Although tuberculosis – possibly cancer – doubtful). In the folk and traditional Medicine poplar buds have been successfully used as a tool for the treatment of various forms of prostatitis. The prostate 3 teaspoons minced kidney poplar pour a glass of boiling water, bring to a boil again, insist the lid 02.03 hours, strain. Take 2-3 tbsp. spoon infusion 3-4 times daily before meals. When combined with prostatitis vesiculitis recommended fitosbor: burdock root – 5 parts, kidneys black poplar – 3 of grass and sage – 2 parts. 1 tbsp. l. collection insist 15 min in 1 cup boiling water and take in the form of heat for 1 / 3 cup per day for 1 1/2–2 months. When prostate adenoma help extract on alcohol and aqueous extract of poplar buds. Thanks, essential oil of poplar buds can serve as a natural bacteriophage your premises. Can either fill in the kidney tray or put into the water shoots of poplar – a room filled with a resinous pleasant sweet smell. And utility (kills germs) and pleasantly This entry was tagged . Bookmark the permalink.